Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Greenfield Village: Chickens

When we visited my family in November, I asked my dad to take me to Greenfield Village. I had never been, all those years I lived in Michigan, and my Dad loves the place.  It's amazing,  really.  Building after building that has been carefully taken apart, shipped, and re-assmbled...on a farm...in the middle of the city. They have Thomas Edison's workshop, painstakingly restored and outfitted with all his equipment. You can even ride in a Model T, which we did, and which was way fun.

 They raise animals there, including several heirloom varieties of chickens.  Piper was with us, and thought the chickens were pretty cool.

 She spent at least ten minutes chasing them, saying "Hey turkey come back, can I pet you?"

 The chickens were not impressed.

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