It was barely in time, and much later than I planned, but I did manage to complete Piper's Valentine's Day sweater.
She picked out this yarn at my favorite LYS when she came along on an early-morning Black Friday yarn shopping trip. She heard me say I was going to the sale with my buddy A (whom she adores) and begged to come along, despite my warnings that we'd have to get up early and Mommy would be wandering around looking at every single skein and comparing them for even longer than usual. For the record, she was very good. She looked at the yarn for a bit, played a spelling game and read a book on my phone, and asked for this violently-pink Cascade Sierra Quatro. It's actually two pinks, a pinky-purple, and a lavender twisted together. I had my doubts, but the finished project turned out pretty cute:

I started it in January, expecting it to take less than two weeks. I was chugging along fine, until I over-knit the body by 2.5 inches and had to rip it back because I would've run out of yarn for the sleeves. I ran out anyway, and had to go get another skein just to do one measley sleeve. I finished it February 13th. On the bright side, I have enough to make her a hat (which she will probably not wear).
This pattern was so cute, and it's quite roomy. This is the 4-5 year size and it fits my smallish 4.5-year-old with room to spare. The worst part (and the bit which took me 4 tries) was picking up all those edge stitches. I don't feel very confident about my stitch-picking-up-abilities, but this thing sure gave me plenty of practice.
Daisy Chain by Amanda Liley
Yarn: Cascade Sierra Quatro
Ravelry Details Here.